+91 9447461622 iaatsecy@gmail.com



Two Gold Medals are awarded every year to distinguished Life Members of the Association for his/her valuable contributions to the field of Angiosperm Taxonomy as well as in recognition of his/her efforts for the development of Angiosperm Taxonomy in India. The medals are instituted with the endowments received by the Association exclusively for this purpose. The expenditure towards the Gold Medals is met from the interest accrued on the endowment amount deposited in a bank under a fixed deposit scheme.

The Secretary invites nominations along with bio-data of the nominees for each medal from the members of the Executive Council. The nominations would be placed at the meeting of the Executive Council for scrutiny and the name of the eligible nominee for each medal is recommended for the award. The names of the so recommended shall be announced and approved at the meeting of the Annual General Body held during the Annual Conference of the Association, and the medals shall be awarded during the next Annual Conference. The medals are awarded usually on the inaugural day of the Annual Conference and the recipients after receiving the medals deliver a special medal lecture.

Professor Y.D. Tiagi Gold Medal

Professor Y.D. Tiagi Gold Medal was instituted in the year 1995 with the endowment Rs. 20,000/- by the Y.D. Tiagi Felicitation Committee on his retirement as Professor and Head of the Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan. This medal is awarded to a distinguished senior Indian Life Member of the Association especially in recognition of his life-term contribution in the field of Angiosperm Taxonomy, and for strengthening the discipline of Angiosperm Taxonomy in India.

The following Life members have been honoured with this medal:


Professor V.V. Sivarajan Gold Medal was established in 1996 with an endowment of Rs. 40,000/- donated by the V.V.Sivarajan Endowment Committee to commemorate Professor V.V. Sivarajan who has made valuable contributions to the field of Angiosperm Taxonomy in India. He met with sudden demise on 18th December 1995 while he was in the Calicut University service. He was the founder and Secretary of the Association and the first Executive Editor of Rheedea, the official journal of the Association. An additional amount of Rs. 5,000 was also donated to meet the expenditure for giving away the award from 1996 itself. Usually, this medal is awarded to those who are in active service and engaged in research in Angiosperm Taxonomy.

The following Life members have been honoured with this medal:

Professor Chavali Kameswara Rao Annual Endowment Lecture

Professor Chavali Kameswara Rao Annual Endowment Lecture was instituted in 2019 from an endowment of Rs. 1,75000/- received from his students. The lecture is to be delivered by a leading Indian or foreign scientist every year, during the annual Conference of the IAAT. It carries a suitable honorarium and travel. Professor Chavali Kameswara Rao has over 50 years of academic experience in botanical science particularly phyto-chemistry, plant diversity, database of medicinal plants and computer applications in plant systematics. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Botany and Sericulture at the Bangalore University. He was also the President of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy in 1999.

The following Life members have been honoured with this medal:


Guidelines for the award of IAAT Fellowship
The following Life members have been honoured with FIAAT


The following Awards have been instituted by the Association with the objective of encouraging young workers in the field of Angiosperm Taxonomy. The winner of each award shall be given a Certificate of Merit and a cash prize.

There shall be separate sessions for the competitions for various awards and the papers for competitions should be separately marked while sending to the Organizing Secretary of the Seminar with proof of age from the head of the institution of the contestant. Minimum number of contestants for each award shall be three and in the absence of the minimum number, no competition shall be held and no awards given. The presentation of the papers shall be adjudged by a Committee constituted exclusively for the purpose. The winners of the best presentations shall be given awards at the valedictory function of the Annual Conference.

A person who has won a particular award shall not be eligible to contest in the competition for the same award in future. However he/she shall compete for other awards instituted by the Association.

1. Prof. A.K. Pandey Award for Revisionary Studies

2. Prof. Santhosh Nampy IAAT Young Scientist Award

3. Dr. A.K. Pradeep Young Researcher Award

4. S.M. & M.R. Almeida Award in Plant Nomenclature

5. Prof. R. S. Rao Award

This award is instituted in 1996 with the donation made by Prof. R. S. Rao for the best paper in Biodiversity Conservation (Angiosperms).

6. Prof. K. S. Manilal Award

This award is instituted in 1997 with the donation made by Prof. K. S. Manilal for the best paper in Floristics (including a description of new species and new distributional reports).

7. Prof. T. R. Sahu Award

This award is instituted in 1997 with the donation made by Prof. T. R. Sahu for the best paper in Medicinal Plants Systematics.

8. Prof. S. R. Yadav Award

This award is instituted in 1998 with the donation made by Prof. S. R. Yadav for the best paper poster presentation.

9. Fr. Antony Mukkath – Prof. K. S. Manilal Award

This award is instituted in 2004 with the donation made by Prof. K. S. Manilal for the best paper in Modern Techniques in Plant Taxonomy.

10. Prof. M. Sabu Award

This award was instituted in 2006 with the donation made by Prof. M. Sabu for the best paper in Angiosperm Taxonomy presented in IAAT conference, exclusively by teachers and scientists.